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Hello Friends, Family, and Passerby Readers,


I hope you all are doing well! I wanted to write a brief update on some of the new things that God has been doing in me and in my life as of recently while I’ve been here on the World Race. So, let’s begin!



While I cannot disclose details (due to safety reasons) of the new country that I’m in, I can confirm that I am no longer in Nepal, but in another place within Southeast Asia. Personally, I am so going to miss Nepal. For me, Nepal was my favorite place thus on the World Race, to which I can definitely see myself returning one day. While it was a bit sporadic with our ministry in Nepal, I believe it taught all of us (as we were all-squad in Nepal) how to be interruptible. As I was telling one of my WR coaches in debrief last week, “If you would have told me a year ago that I was going to be living day to day, not knowing what I was going to be doing the next day, I would have told you that it sounds like a stressful headache.” As I explained to my coach, I am a Type-A person. I like knowing what I’m doing, when I’m doing and sticking to that schedule. If you look back to my old calendar when I taught middle school last year, you’d see just how organized and by the schedule I like to be, but now I am learning how to live reliant on the Holy Spirit each day for what He has for Me.



While Nepal was a season of God showing me the materials of what He was going to build into the new house of my heart, I believe that God is now starting to build the frame and foundation of the new house. Built in discipline and intimacy with God, I’m getting to be a part of the building process with the Lord. In addition, He’s already showing me that discipline without a genuine heart is meaningless. God showed this to me just a couple nights ago when He put Isaiah 1:11-17 and Psalms 51:16-17 on my heart, emphasizing that God desires a broken and humbled heart over any offering we can give Him. As it’s been brought up to me multiple times, God is not concerned with what I can do for Him as much as He is concerned with who I am to Him. God desires a relationship over my religious acts.



And what’s interesting about it all, is that everything that has already been said in these past two paragraphs is further emphasized in our new assignment: ATL. ATL is an acronym for “Ask the Lord”. Now split off into new teams in separate locations, we have received the opportunity to participate in complete reliance and dependence upon God, day to day. With ATL, there is no host or prescribed plan, it is completely based on relying on God and the Holy Spirit to give you your objective/mission for the day, each day. It’s crazy, and yet, as our team has already been discussing, ATL is just practice for everyday life outside of the World Race. Each day, we should be reliant upon what God has for us. We ourselves don’t know what the day holds, but God does. Because of this, we must be willing to submit and allow Him to speak into our day as we go about our daily schedule and be willing to be interruptible.



I hope this post has blessed you. Thank you again to all of those back home who have supported me, whether through finances, prayer or conversation. Know that I am so grateful for you and miss you so much.

With much love,

Hunter Land

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