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Hello Everyone,


I know it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve last posted on my blog. But there’s quite a bit to update you all on, so let’s begin!


Debrief lasted for about two weeks in Nairobi, Kenya, and honestly, it was so great getting to see the entire squad (J-Squad). During the time of debrief, we got to see God move in such cool ways, from miracles, inner healing and deliverance. I myself experienced some inner healing as God revealed some of my own inner struggles and the roots behind those struggles (such as the fear of conditional love that I mentioned in my previous post). God has continued to work in me in ways like my identity, relationships with others, and grieving. And while most of it has been uncomfortable, to confront/face, it’s been so necessary in the process of healing.


Towards the end of debrief, it was revealed that we would be getting new teams for our next country: Uganda. I am now currently with my new team, “The Come As You Are Crew” (formerly known as “Demon Destroyers”). They are so awesome and I honestly love each and every one of them so much! Each one of them have been teaching me what it means to live in close community well through grace, mercy and compassion.

Finally, our ministry in Lira, Uganda has consisted of visiting and speaking at schools, serving in the church, and (honestly, my favorite) children’s ministry! Such a blessing and enjoying it so much! Thank you again to all of those who have been checking in with me and encouraging me during this season. It’s honestly been a bit tough being away from home during the holidays, but we’ve been able to bring a bit of home here to Uganda (like Thanksgiving in which we prepared a meal for our host family). But that’s all for now, more updates soon!