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Hello friends and family,


I hope you all are doing well. Currently in Nepal up near the mountains, but I wanted to share an update with how things have been going and what I’ve been learning thus far. And the analogy I’d like to use to help me explain would be the analogy of a house. Let me explain.

In Kenya, God stripped just about everything that gave me meaning, value and identity, to show that He is the one that should be the determiner of my meaning, value and identity. And in order to do this, God had to destroy the old house that the enemy had built within my heart. He had to strip the walls of their insecurity and remove the faulty foundation of rejection and so much more.

While I thought Uganda is where God would rebuild the house, it’s actually where He let the dust settle. It was a time of rest and restoration. God allowed me to heal in some areas of relationships and discover new intimacy with Him through different disciplines such as fasting. Instead of getting straight to the rebuilding process, God allowed my soul to rest and heal from the demolition that occurred within Kenya.

Then we get to Nepal, and I’m thinking, “Surely, now we’re going to rebuild the house.” Nope! Instead, this is the point where God is showing me the materials in which He’s going to build the new house. Structures that are secure, built off of confidence in Christ and knowing my identity and not needing human approval. Designs that are not easily offended, but quick and willing to forgive.

There’s definitely more to share, which I hope to share in upcoming posts, but for now that’s all. Please keep me in prayer along with my team. Currently I’m facing a bacterial infection that has me down for the count currently. I know some other team members have also been facing some things as well. So, if you could keep us in prayer, that would be greatly appreciated. Love y’all,


– Hunter L.


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